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The date an item was first cataloged in Portfolio

Color Mode

Color modes: Unknown, Black & White, Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, YUV, Lab, and YCCK


The date the item was created

Extension Win

The item’s three-character file extension


The item’s file description

File Size

The item’s file size


The item’s name


The item’s height, in pixels


The item’s width, in pixels

Horizontal Resolution

The item’s horizontal resolution, in dpi

Vertical Resolution

The item’s vertical resolution, in dpi


Any keywords assigned to items

Last Modified

The date of the item’s last modification

Last Updated

The date the item was last updated in the catalog

Creator Mac

The four-character file creator code for the item (empty if cataloged on Windows)

File Type Mac

The four-character file type code for the item (empty if cataloged on Windows)

Zone Mac

AppleTalk Zone where item’s file is located (empty if cataloged on Windows)


The file path (location) for the item

Short Filename Win

6-bit DOS path and filename

Thumbnail Size

The item’s thumbnail size: none (never empty in Portfolio version 4 catalogs; empty when version 3 catalogs are converted to version 4, until thumbnails are regenerated by updating the items), 32 (icon), 112, 256


The physical drive or disk on which the item resides


Items matching the indicated category (from the Categories palette)

Multipage Count

Items matching a particular page count


Items created as PlaceHolder Records


Indicates whether embedded Digimarc watermark ID was detected in the record or not detected

Watermark URL

Displays URL for Digimarc watermark creator (Read Digimarc ID command must be selected to read the URL)

Custom Fields

Any custom fields that have been created for the current catalog

Note: All fields are indexed for faster searching.